40 Days!

I’m pleased to say I can still remember my 40th birthday (it’s not that long ago you know). And what we did to celebrate. One of the things I remember very clearly is that it was the first time my mum bought me a beer! Yes, I had to wait 40 years for that to happen. And, truth is, it remains the only time she’s bought me a beer! Ah well. When I ride on the Worth Way as part of my exercise, I cycle past a house that is counting the days of the lockdown. And yesterday was day 40. Yes day 40 of the lockdown! It seems hard to believe doesn’t it? We’ve been locked down for six weeks now. I’m still not sure I quite believe it. Turns out we’re not the only ones who experienced a lockdown of 40 days and 40 nights. Noah and his family experienced 40 days and 40 nights of rain that flooded the earth. Imagine being locked down on a boat with not only your family (which may or may not be ok), but also with a whole bunch of animals! Can’t begin to imagine what the smell must have been like and I’m not sure I really want to know! And yes, before you rush to correct me, they were n the boat a lot longer than 40 days and nights (the waters covered the earth for 150 days we’re told). But then, we’re not out of lockdown yet either are we? (By the way I am not trying to suggest we will be in lockdown for 150 days! We don’t know how long this will last. I got stuck on the number 40. That’s all that’s going on here.) But they did get out of lockdown. And it was a preparation for all that followed. Jesus too had a 40 day experience didn’t he? He was led into the desert immediately after his baptism where he was tempted by the devil. At the end of that time we’re told Jesus was hungry! I love that. What an understatement! But it, too, was a preparation. A preparation for all that was to follow. Noah chose to follow what he knew of God and he got 40 days and 40 nights of rain. Jesus chose to follow what he knew of God and he brought life. When people choose to follow what they know of God, God is able to do his work. We’re not facing what Noah and his family faced. And we’re certainly not facing what Jesus faced. But maybe this time of lockdown can be a preparation in the waiting. So, 40 days and counting, I’m looking to turn my heart to God. I’m not good at waiting, but maybe God does his best work in the waiting.