These are some frequently asked questions
If you have any other questions then please use the form below to submit it to us
Where and when do you meet?
The church is in Crabtree Road, West Green, Crawley. Sunday morning services are normally at 9.15 and 11.15 but on the second Sunday of each month there is one service for all ages at 10:30. Evening services are normaslly at 6.30 except the fourth Sunday evening when many Crawley churches meet at our building for a combined service at 7:00 pm. Times vary in the summer - further details are on our Sundays page and Events Calendar
Who can attend your meetings?
There is no restriction on who can come along - you are most welcome. We are a community of christians and the church is a place of christian worship, however we make no preconditions or expectations other than you want to be there. Look around this website and see the sort of things we do, if it interests you then just turn up or if you have a further question just use the form below.
What happens at your services?
Our Sunday morning services vary from week to week. They usually include lead worship with a worship band of keyboards, guitars, brass, drums and singers; prayers and a Bible based talk. There is usually an opportunity for people to respond to the sermon, including a time when people can be prayed for. Between the first and second service refreshments are served in the Rainbow Lounge . Sunday evening services are normally prayer and praise starting at 6.30 pm.