We are a community of Christians who have worshipped in Crawley since 1883.
Our long history was brought up to date when we demolished the Church building to redevelop new premises, this opened in 2003, enabling us to serve in the community more effectively. 2008 marked our 125th anniversary.
Crawley Baptist Church was established by a small group of Christians in 1883. As the fellowship grew, a church was built in Station Road, which survived until a stray German bomb destroyed the Sanctuary in 1943. The fellowship continued to meet in the rear halls until 1954.
The church moved to its current site in West Green in June of that year as part of the Crawley Development Corporation's policy to provide a church, shops, pub and schools in each neighbourhood of Crawley.
Over the following years a number of extensions were added, including a second-hand temporary timber building that was donated by a local company and built in 1983, our Centenary year.
In 2002 that building was demolished to make way for a modern church building designed to serve the local community in the twenty-first century.