Rainbow Lounge

the Rainbow Lounge will be open on Wednesday 11th December and then will close until 8th January.

Christmas Card

The Christmas cards are out for you to pick a road and deliver them.

Christmas Services

Saturday 21st December Green Fields Carol Service - 4pm for refreshments and the service starts at 5pm

Sunday 22nd December Crawley Baptist church Carol Service - 6pm with refreshments afterwards.

Christmas Eve at 11.30pm - Midnight communion

Christmas Day at 10.30pm - Christmas Family Celebration

New Year Family Film Night

This is on Saturday 11th January - see leaflets in reception

Cream Tea

We are holding a cream tea on Saturday 18th January from 3pm - 6pm to say goodbye to Sandra, please sign up in reception if you would like to come.

Refreshments on Sunday

Ian W, is stepping down from doing the refreshments on Sunday, if you think you can help with this please sign up in reception.

Women’s Ministry

A celebration of Christmas is being held on Thursday 19th December in the Rainbow Lounge, 7pm for refreshments and reflection from 7.30pm - 9.15pm. Join us as we prepare for Christmas and enjoy an evening of quiet reflection celebrating the birth of Jesus.

The Women’s Weekend away has been booked for 25th - 27th April 2025. If you would like to go please see Sarah Vincent, Angela Blechynden or Sue Noakes.


If you have any questions or would like prayer please email us on: streamingcbc@gmail.com or info@crawleybaptistchurch.org.uk