Second Choice!
/I was on the bike one day last week as it was beginning to rain thinking that if I went fast enough I would miss the raindrops. Turned out not to be true. Got home soaked. “Fool!” I hear you cry. Wet yes, but glad I went although I discovered that putting on cycling glasses part way through a ride in the rain doesn’t really work. Couldn’t see a thing! Anyway back to the plot. As I crossed over the M25 I slowed down to pass a mother and a child on their bikes. The little lad (about five years old - actually I know he’s five as you’ll see) was working really hard to cycle his bike up the incline to catch up with mum. She was encouraging him strongly: “You can catch me. You can go faster than me!” And he was so excited at the thought he could catch and go faster than mum. As I passed, I turned to thank them for letting me past and I saw it was Lauren and Adam! “Way to go Adam,” I cried (although I think I may have mistakenly called him by his brother’s name. Sorry Adam. And Nathan). “You can catch mum. Keep going.” Great to see. Adam being encouraged up the hill by someone who loves him and wants to see him do well. Even in the rain. Got me thinking. Cycling uphill in the rain is, well, second choice isn’t it? Especially when you’re only five. Cycling uphill is always second choice. Going towards East Grinstead on the Worth Way is all uphill. Coming back is downhill. First choice. Downhill is great. It’s faster and much less effort! And much better in the dry. I like first choice! Thought about Adam and second choice. Reminded me of another Adam, not the one on the bike. Adam, the one banished from the garden to a second choice world, second choice for him and for God, their relationship broken and shattered. This world is uphill isn’t it? And much of it second choice. And here’s the thing: it’s second choice for God too. Not what he desired or longed for. Not what he hoped or dreamed of. And yet…And yet…He didn’t give up. He didn’t let go of his dream of loving and being loved by people like you and me. In fact he took second choice and made it his own. His own choice that is. He came and pitched his tent with us (ok, if you want the Bible’s language, he came and dwelt with us) so that he could bring us the life that he so wants us to have. And he still comes to us in the world of second choice. Not because he has to, but because he wants to. He comes to encourage us in the rainy uphills of this second choice world. He stands next to us and walks with us cheering us on, rooting for us, noting every step and every moment of success. He’s there when we fall and stumble, waiting to pick us up and helping us get back on our feet (or our bike). That’s the kind of God we have. The one who took second choice to be with us in our second choice. Because he loves you and wants to see you flourish and do well. So next time I’m on the bike in the rain going uphill…Thanks Adam!