/I, like many other people around the world I suspect, reflecting on President Putin’s most recent speech, wondered how he could claim what he said is true. He claimed that countries in the West and the US are culpable for the war un Ukraine, and the West of trying to make Ukraine anti-Russia. He stated that the intervention of the West is a “campaign of terror” and that Russian is using force to stop it. I find it hard to read and listen to. I’m sure many others do too. I find myself wondering how someone can say things which evidence suggests are untrue. Putin it seems believes his words. How does that happen? How is it possible to be so utterly convinced you are right when most of the rest of the world says you are wrong? Most if us, I think, would say we are not capable of such things. The war in Ukraine has had untold consequences. It has been devastating. Its effects will live long for the people and the nations. I will never have the power Putin does. But that doesn’t mean I will never be blind to what is really happening or how I really am. When God speaks to Israel through the prophet Hosea, he makes clear that they are deluded about how they are living. One commentator, writing about what God is saying about his people in Hosea chapters 6 and 7, says the tragedy of the those chapters is that Israel is blind to everything God is saying about them. They think they are living well. God tells them they are not. And I wonder if that could ever be true of me. Or of you. Could I ever be blind to what I’m really like? To how I am living? There have been times in my life when I’ve been confronted with the truth about me. And not once did I like it or accept it easily. But it turned out to be true. Nathan told the truth about David after he had killed Uriah because of his affair with Bathsheba. He didn’t like it and it took him time to accept it. We all need those around us who will tell us the truth about ourselves. And then we need the courage to listen. Perhaps the world would be a better place if more of us could do that.