Prime Minister
/So…we have a new Prime Minster. Not that we voted for her. At least I didn’t. I might have this wrong, but I’m sure I read that the way the voting system worked only 1% of the voting population of the country actually got to vote in this particular election! Wish it could be the same in church - I wouldn’t have to worry about attendance at Body Talk anymore. What I don’t understand is why anyone would want to be Prime Minister. Especially at this time. It seems to me it’s a no win. But then I’m not Liz Truss. The question I find myself asking is: will anything really change with a new Prime Minster? Or am I just being pessimistic? How much can a leader, a Prime Minister actually do? There are systems that have far more power than an individual. And lots of other people and institutions standing in the way of change. The opposition are already telling us how bad her leadership is, and we haven’t yet really heard anything from her. And sadly, the opposition will never find it in their hearts to say anything she does is good. They simply won’t. Think it might be called pride! Thing is, if we pin our hopes on a new leader, we’ll only be disappointed. I’m not saying Liz Truss won’t do anything good or effect any kind of change. But ultimately, she doesn’t have to solution to the problem. I think one of the saddest chapters in the Bible is 1 Samuel chapter 8. Go read it. It comes after the people of Israel argue with God and demand a king of their own. They want to be like every other nation, and every other nation has a king. God tells them they already have a king because he is their king. The people though want a king like everyone else. God tells them what life will be like if they have a king. He tells them it won’t go well. Like for every other nation! But the people insist. And, remarkably, God gives in and let’s Israel choose a king. They choose Saul because he is tall and handsome. No, seriously, they do. It’s not a good choice and not a good start. And the rest really is history. At the end of 1 Samuel chapter, God tells Samuel to send the people back to their towns. They haven’t listened to God, and God understands the future they have chosen. It’s as if God says: “Ok, have it your way. But this will not go well. And the tragedy is, it doesn’t have to be this way.” The truth about Prime Ministers is they are not God, even if most of the time they act as if they are! No political system, however good and honest and truthful and caring, has the answer. The answer lies with a different King in a different Kingdom. We can live in the truth of his Kingdom and work to bring it to others here and now, whatever our Prime Minster chooses to do. We can do that. Every day. So…let’s choose the way of the real King.