Taste and see

I’ve been doing it for 16 years now. I haven’t done it every year. Sometimes things get in the way, things like taking a son to university. But, I’ve been to many more than I’ve missed. I do it because I enjoy it. I do it because I want to support the cause. It’s an easy way to help. It works for me. It works for them. It’s for a good cause after all. I can make that sacrifice once a year on a sunny September day. Actually It’s not always sunny. Sometimes it rains! I was reminded this year of how it started for me. That was even before I started going to this particular day. But I wouldn’t be going today if I hadn’t started before. What got me into it in the first place was the need to raise money. (Funny really because I’m still dong it to raise money, so in some ways that’s not changed.) Anyway, we were going to knock down the church building and rebuild it. For that we needed money. Lots of money. We began to think of ways to raise big money. And one day, one person had the idea of putting on a golf day as a way of raising money. I didn’t play golf.. I didn’t really want to play golf. Golf was a game I had neither the time or the money to play. And anyway it was a game for old men. Why would I play golf when I could still run around a football pitch and chase a ball? But, because I was the leader of the church and wanted to support the idea, I went. I borrowed clubs and I went to play golf. It wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t good golf. I’m not even sure I enjoyed myself. But, somehow, I got hooked. And the rest as they say is history. Now I play golf whenever I get the opportunity. I’ve had some great conversations on the golf course. I’ve seen some wonderful countryside visiting golf courses. I love getting up early on a frosty winter morning and going out early to catch the best part of the day. And, just for the record I’ve played some good rounds of golf. I’ve got better. I don’t always play well. It’s become a place of solace where I can get away from things. I love being outside. I love the exercise. And I love the satisfaction of a well executed shot. And here’s the thing: I would have missed all that if I had never gone that first time. I was invited. I took up the invitation. And I’ve never looked back. What I would have missed. As I reflected ion the conversation at this year’s Sierra Leone Mission Golf Day, a verse came to mind: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed it the one who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8) I would have missed out on all that golf has given me if had never tasted it. I wonder what God might be inviting me to in this time. I wonder what God might be inviting you to. Maybe I need to taste and see. Maybe I need to take God at his word and trust him. Maybe you do too.