/So actually writing this blog has proved what I’m writing about. This is my third attempt. The first two got lost somewhere I couldn’t get them back. Not how I planned it. Anyway. Yesterday was the perfect day. Well it was for me. Probably. Or as near as it gets. One thing I’ve never understood is how one sport can have a handicap system when others do not. Apart from horse racing that is. But only one sport where humans compete against humans. It’s always struck me as a little odd that you can play a game and be the best player, but not win precisely because you are the best player. When I was younger I used to play a lot of tennis. And when I played a match against someone else, the best payer on the day, won. There was no handicap system because one of us was better at tennis then the other. But in golf, there’s a handicap system. Which, to be fair, is really good news for people like me, because I am not the best player. But I can still win. And yesterday, I played much better than my handicap said I should. That’s as good as it gets. For me. Yesterday, we were told we can have weddings again from the 4th July. Only a week late Boris! But thank you! It’ll be like my golf: it won’t be perfect, but it will certainly be good enough! It’s taken me a long time to realise that nothing is perfect. I’m learning to take the good rounds of golf and enjoy them. They don’t happen all the time, and I’ll never play the perfect round. But they can good enough. We spend years sometime planning the perfect wedding. We did. Well, certainly eighteen months. And yet…But now we can have a wedding. It won’t be the wedding we planned. We won’t have everyone we want there. We won’t be able to sing. We won’t be able to have everything we wanted in the service. But there will be a wedding. And the bridegroom will look on his bride with great love. And Meg and Justin will be married! It’s taken me a long time to realise that nothing’s perfect. Good enough, and sometime great. But not perfect. I would do well to enjoy my better than good rounds of golf, because next time it might be different. I would do well to enjoy good enough. We can plan and hope and spend our lives striving for perfect. But here’s the thing: mostly we’ll be disappointed. Especially if that’s what we build our lives on. And God never asks us to be perfect. To give my best, to try my best, to live my best, yes. But not perfect. As we walked around the golf course, we discussed if we would play the perfect round of golf in heaven. No, we decided, we wouldn’t. After all, where would be the fun in that? And heaven will be fun, right? If we’re honest we don’t know about golf in heaven, But what we do know, what we can be certain of, is that there will be one great wedding celebration and one fabulous feast as the bridegroom welcomes his bride. Then I will be perfect. And so will you. And I’ll settle for that. That really will be the perfect day. And let’s hope this attempt at my blog works. That would be good enough for today!