
I love Sunday. I always have. I loved going to church when I was young and I can remember the excitement I felt when I was allowed to go to the evening service too (I think 13 was the age). I sang in the choir and I loved it when I could go and sing both morning and evening. I just love being in church. Being in church feels like coming home. And if I ever stop being a minister (which I guess I will one day), I’ll be in church the following week. And Sunday is the day when the church gathers. We know the church is the people, and we don’t have to have a building, but there is something about the gathered community of believers that is special. When I was young there was nothing much else to do on a Sunday (and I wasn’t allowed to do it anyway). Now? Well there’s so much else you could do on Sunday. But I love church. And I love going to church. I love Sunday. And I love Sunday in lockdown. Sure it’s been different over the past couple of months. But I love the live thing. And I love the sense of anticipation. And I love teaching. And I love seeing others being so creative. And I love that God has gifted us with so many talented people. And I love the sense of community as people send in their pictures. I even love the panic when things are going wrong (well, I love it after it’s over). But I’ve noticed something over the weeks. When we first went digital there was an immense sense of achievement for everyone involved. And rightly so. As the weeks have gone by, we’ve got used to it a bit. Don’t get me wrong - there is still a sense of achievement each week. But it’s changed slightly. And at the end of the first week my phone didn’t stop buzzing with messages for over an hour after the service. Messages of thanks and appreciation came flooding in, literally. My daily exercise walk had to be delayed while I replied to them all! Today though, there were just a couple of messages (still very much appreciated). I’m hoping it’s not because people don’t like what we did. Actually, we’re getting better at what we do. No, I think people value it. But, it’s normal now. It’s not new anymore. We’re not excited in the same way anymore. We’ve got kind of used to it. Although behind the scenes we’re still working as hard as we ever have. Which made me wonder if I do the same with God. He’s still at work in my second choice world in his power and wisdom. He’s still working for good in all things. He’s still watching and waiting and longing and hoping. He’s still furiously pursuing me with his love. He’s still got my best interests at heart. He’s still ready the moment I turn my heart towards him. He’s always there, ready. And I would do well to remember that and live everyday in the truth of it. To make every day like Sunday.