Giving up?
Because I’m a flawed, fallen human being, I’ve been thinking about all the things I been giving up because of the virus. Not proud of that, but it’s true. And (further admissions to shock you), if I think about it for too long, if I’m tempted to dwell on my circumstances, I start to get a bit frustrated, angry even! There, said it! I might be the only one like that, but I’m guessing not. Perhaps you too have these kinds of thoughts sometimes. I can get stuck in a way of thinking that I’ve had to give swimming and the gym and seeing people and meeting at church and… And let’s be honest here for a moment, there are people who are having to give up far more than right now. In a more mature moment today, a thought struck me as we enter Holy Week. I’ve given up a few things in the hope that other’s lives might be better. That remind you of anything? One man gave up all the glory of heaven in the hope that he might make my life better. And yours. And…well everyone’s. Isn’t that the truth of Holy Week. Ok, in more theological language (am I allowed to say that in a blog?), Jesus gave up his life that I might live life in all the fullness God intended. Which makes my giving up pale a bit don’t you think? But if I can give up things to help others, maybe it gives me just a little insight into how God feels…about me!
And maybe about you. And my neighbours and friends. Maybe giving up is good for me in more ways than one! Not least because it reminds me of how grateful I am that Jesus chose to give up what he had, to rescue people like me.