Deo Gloria Church, Hunedoara, Romania
Crawley Baptist Church has had links with the Deo Gloria Church in Hunedoara, Romania, since its inception in September 2007. We have been praying for them regularly, and there have been visits by our minister and small groups since then, and close personal links have been established. It was our joy to host a visit from the leadership team in December 2019.
We have provided Bibles for young people since the church was founded, and have supported summer youth camps.
The church is led by Emy and Fabi Goicovici, with their young family. They have a membership of around 60 people.
They have a strong interest in developing work with youth and their families through Awana Clubs, in the town, and more widely in Romania, where the evangelistic Awana Romania has had the vision for 700 clubs by 2020. Emy and Fabi work on the board of Awana Romania. They are also involved in the History Makers’ ministry, mentoring and developing young leaders in the country, as the email extract below indicates.
An excerpt from an email from Emy in October 2020 read:
“Do you think this is the time to stagnate and stop doing the ministry? Not so. It is the time to be creative.
With our Awana missionary we did a training in Targu Mures, 3 hours away from Hunedoara, and opened Awana Clubs in 3 foster homes. With the Covid restrictions we cannot get everyone together but there are enough kids in every of these 3 placement centres to have a club on their own. And this is not all, there is a Christian team that visits and ministers weekly among them.
Also, we are in the 6th week of a 10 weeks History Makers conference via Zoom. We organized this for Romania and Moldova, not knowing how it will work out but the internet is a great way to have teachers from all over the world, with no travelling and housing expenses. We have a diverse team of speakers from USA, England, Colombia, Spain, Moldova and Romania. Of course, we miss physical interaction but the teaching is so good we forget that we are not in the same room with our speakers. Pray for the young leaders trained every week in this program. We praise God for this amazing opportunity!
A wonderful answer to prayer was the provision of a building in which to meet , and they are having live stream services from there. Prior to this in the summer 2020, the church met in a socially distant way in the Emy and Fabi’s garden.
A significant verse for them is Hebrews 13 v 1 “Keep on loving each other as brothers.”