WATSAN is a UK charity dedicated to the support of a water and sanitation programme in South West Uganda.
Thanks to WATSAN’s work, people in rural communities have access to life-saving clean water and hygienic toilet facilities.
Our programme is managed by the North Kigezi and Kinkiizi Dioceses (NKKD) of the Church of Uganda, working with the local communities, whose water supplies and sanitation facilities are in desperate need of improvement.
Our Ugandan arm is known as NKKD WATSAN, whose aim is to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus through their work. The programme contributes directly to the achievement of the UN water and sanitation Sustainable Development Goals in the Ugandan Districts of Rukungiri and Kanungu.
Water from natural springs can be directed carefullythrough a filtration material into a concrete structure, so that clean water can be easily collected by isolated local communities. Projects such as this involve transforming muddy, unsanitary areas surrounding springs into clean, safe water sources.
Many schemes are built specifically to serve schools and other institutions. In these cases, the project will always serve the surrounding community, and will normally consist of a combination of water and sanitation improvements.
For more information on WATSAN please contact Graham Piper, who is a trustee of the charity.